To obtain cash help, which maxes out at $700 a month, a person must make a good-faith effort to attend treatment. Sobriety is not required. Recovery activists believe San Francisco has too many chances to purchase and use illegal substances and not enough aid to get sober.
No on F spokesman Sara Shortt says the measure punishes the needy and could cost them their homes. “People will not be comfortable requesting services when they know they will be asked intrusive questions and mandated to participate in a program,” she said.
Proposition E would reduce the powers of the citizen police oversight commission, which the mayor believes micromanages the police force.
Police might also install public surveillance cameras, employ drones, cut paperwork, and pursue vehicles more often, which they can currently only do for severe felonies or immediate threats to public safety.
More leeway for police is favored by Michael Hsu, whose sports footwear and apparel store Footprint has been broken into many times, most recently on Jan. 1. Police arrived as the suspects left but could not pursue them since no lives were in danger. Hsu said the robbery cost $20,000.
However, opposing leader Yoel Haile, criminal justice director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, warned extending car pursuits will damage or kill more people in the densely packed metropolis.
He said that additional housing, treatment choices, and jobs will make neighborhoods safer, while reducing bureaucracy will reduce transparency and technology will allow police to secretly monitor people.
"What is proposed is more police power, resources, and punitive policies," Haile added. There have been failed attempts.”
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