EIA says December US distillate consumption was lowest since June 2020. (PART-2)

In December, crude production in Texas reached a record high of 5.637 million barrels per day, but it dropped by 20,000 barrels per day to 5.637 million barrels per day, according to the data. 

According to the most recent estimates provided by the EIA, production in Texas, which is the most oil-producing state in the United States, decreased for the first time since September.

The EIA reports that output in the neighboring state of New Mexico achieved a new high for the sixth consecutive month, increasing by 1.2% to 1.928 million barrels per day. This is the highest level this state has ever attained.

As a result of the cold snap, Staunovo reports that it is projected that the total production in the United States would decline even further in the month of January.

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the amount of natural gas that was produced in the Lower 48 states of the United States reached a new high of 118.2 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in the month of December. 

This represents an increase from the previous record, which was achieved in November and was 118 billion cubic feet per day.

In the states that produce the most gas, the monthly output in December grew by 0.4% in Texas.

Hitting a new record of 34.9 billion barrels of crude oil per day, and by 0.6% in Pennsylvania, reaching 21.6 billion barrels of crude oil per day. Both of these increases occurred in the states that record the highest gas production.


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