Foods high in iron, such as chocolate and tofu, can promote hair growth.

We were taught to consume fruits and vegetables as youngsters, even if we disliked them. As adults, we know how important healthy eating is. Iron-rich meals must be eaten everyday for optimum health, energy, and bone strength.

Vegetarians and those who adore fresh leafy veggies can get their iron fix from them. Spinach, kale, and collard greens are iron-rich and easy to eat. Iron-rich foods can boost your immune system, brighten your complexion, and provide instant energy.

Does that time of month make you crave chocolate? We all do because menstruation releases blood iron. Iron deficiency or anemia result from inadequate consumption. Another excuse to eat chocolate guilt-free! But dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa, so one ounce provides 20% of your body's needs, which is easy to get.

One dish of lentils should be eaten with every meal. Eating half a cup of lentils daily provides 20% of your iron needs. Legumes are high in protein and suggested for vegans and vegetarians. Lentils include folates, which are vital for hair and nail health. There are several ways to eat them, including salad, dal, and soup!

Due to its many health benefits, our health-conscious readers may already be eating quinoa. If not, see below. Quinoa is low in fat and calories and contains 15% of your required iron.

Grab some cashews instead of unhealthy snacks. Your skin appreciates this iron-rich food's other nutrients. One ounce of cashews contains 2mg of iron, minerals, and monounsaturated fats. It contains protein and skin-beneficial antioxidants like selenium.

Since potatoes are used in practically every unhealthy dish, we understand their poor reputation. However, potatoes are nutritious. In addition to iron and potassium, they include vitamins B and C.

Organic tofu is another vegan and vegetarian favorite. Besides protein, it has as much iron as any green leafy vegetable. If you become tired of eating greens, try this iron source. Tofu protein keeps skin soft and elastic.


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