Seven of the Best Foods to Cleanse Your Blood.

Blood cleansing naturally removes pollutants and promotes health. Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells and eliminates waste. Your body needs blood purification to function correctly and avoid sickness. Natural blood purifiers like lemon, beets, cruciferous vegetables, turmeric, and garlic work well.

Garlic Raw garlic is a powerful blood cleanser. Crushing, chewing, or chopping fresh garlic activates its sulfur-containing allicin. Garlic protects the liver from toxins, detoxifying the blood.

Cilantro/Coriander Cilantro leaf helps your body eliminate mercury and other heavy metals from diet and air pollution. Leafy veggies detoxify the blood with chlorophyll. Several studies demonstrate that sulfur compounds in cruciferous vegetables cleanse blood and reduce inflammation.

Beets Betroot's active cleansing ingredient detoxifies the blood and liver. The Journal of Nutrition recommended beets for liver protection. Beets include liver-detoxifying elements and decrease inflammation.

Turmeric. The detoxifying chemical curcumin is in turmeric. Curcumin, an antioxidant in turmeric, detoxifies the blood and creates detoxification enzymes, according to the Herbal Medicine book. You can eat more turmeric in numerous ways. Add black pepper to turmeric tea to boost bioavailability.

Cayenne Pepper Capsaicin in cayenne pepper contains blood purifying qualities that aid in toxin elimination. Capsaicin makes peppers and chillies hot. Capsaicin destroys certain carcinogens, according to the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.

Lemon. On an empty stomach, lemon juice purifies blood and detoxifies the liver. Dr. Alexander F. Beddoe says the liver creates more enzymes from fresh lemon juice than any other food. The antioxidant vitamin C in lemons boosts glutathione synthesis, which detoxifies the liver.

Water. Life need water. Healthy and toxin-free living depends on good hydration. Water helps maintain blood PH, viscosity, and toxin removal. Water helps kidneys filter blood waste. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.


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